29 C
Phnom Penh
Friday, June 28, 2024

Cambodian Minister of Commerce seeks investment boost.

At the 2024 JCI ASPAC Business Dialogue and Matching event in Siem Reap, The Royal Government of Cambodia’s Minister of Commerce HE. Mrs. Cham Nimul, highlighted Cambodia’s promising investment opportunities. The event, themed “Business Opportunities in Cambodia,” was co-chaired by H.E. Mr. Soken Sok, Minister of Tourism and attended by various stakeholders.

In her keynote speech, HE. Mrs. Cham Nimul emphasized Cambodia’s robust economic growth, averaging over 7% annually over the past two decades, attributing this success to political stability, sound macroeconomic policies and proactive government engagement including public private partnerships. She encouraged global investors to #InvestinCambodia by considering Cambodia’s strategic location rapidly growing economy and advancements in digital technologies.

HE. Mrs. Cham Nimul stressed the importance of digital transformation in Cambodia’s development strategy, outlining the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) initiatives such as the Cambodia Data Exchange (CAMdx), verify.gov.kh, the National Single Window, CambodiaTrade.com, the Cambodia Digital Economy and Society Policy Framework 2021-2035, the Digital Skill Development Road Map (2024-2035)and the #Bakong digital payment system.

Source Credits: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501502743/cambodian-minister-of-commerce-seeks-investment-boost/

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